Our Mission

Shaping Your Future with WBS

Clear the Clutter,
Focus on Your Business

ClearBizClutter™ is our trademarked approach to simplifying the overwhelming world of business information for small business owners. Recognizing the challenges posed by the excess of data and conflicting advice available, we aim to cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters. Our goal is to streamline your business processes, enabling you to operate with greater efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability.

What are clients saying

Melanie from Willis Bookkeeping Services knows how to streamline your business processes


Melanie’s early experiences of managing her family’s real estate investments and preparing tax returns for friends and family as a teen ignited a passion for bookkeeping and taxes. She began her 25-year journey in the accounting industry with a Northern Michigan District Court where she worked as the bookkeeper for two years. After moving to Grand Rapids, she spent over 23 years with a West Michigan accounting firm, gaining expertise in a range of areas from accounting and payroll to complex tax issues. It was during this time that she achieved her Enrolled Agent status and became an NTPI Fellow in addition to obtaining various certications for QuickBooks® and other accounting related applications. Melanie's deep commitment to her clients motivated her to focus on aiding small business owners in achieving financial clarity amidst the complexities of the business landscape. Her journey defies traditional paths in the accounting world, marked by relentless continued education, professional development, and determination. As a woman of color in a field often not reflective of her background, she stands as a testament to hard work, continual learning, and breaking industry barriers.

Licenses, Memberships, and Certifications

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